Clothing Swap

+ No Trees in Harlem

The Sustainable Fashion Community Center in EAST HARLEM wants you to help push the sustainable fashion movement forward.

Check-In to donate clothing that no longer serves you. Looking is free.

How to Swap?

  1. Grab a free Check-In ticket to donate clothing.

  2. Clean out your closet.

  3. Say hi at the Welcome Desk.

  4. Browse the racks and select new to you threads.

  5. Check-out by heading back to the Welcome Desk. [All items in The Swap Shop are $1]

Can't get enough? Become a member and partake in unlimited swapping!

Where do unswappable items go?

We have numerous partners who help us navigate where items can be recycled, reused, and repurposed. Thank you to Wearable Collections, Green Textile Recycling, Thred UP, and the Department of Sanitation/Donate NYC for providing solutions to textile waste.

No Trees In Harlem (Except on Strivers’ Row)

In 1928, Wallace Thurman described the cross-streets of Harlem in critical terms.  Note how only Strivers' Row was said to have shade trees:

Most of the cross streets in Harlem, lying between the main north and south thorough-fares, are monotonous and overcrowded. There is little difference between any of them save that some are more dirty and more squalid than others. They are lined with ordinary, unextinguished tenement and apartment houses. Some are well kept, others are run down. 


There are only four streets that are noticeably different, 136th Street, 137th Street, 138th Street and 139th Street west of Seventh Avenue and these are the only blocks in Harlem that can boast of having shade trees. An improvement association organized by people living in these streets, strives to keep them looking respectable.


or to participate.