Harlem | A restaurant blast from the past!

M&G Restaurant | Pan Pan’s!

Left: M&G Restaurant, Right: Sign from M&G restaurant @ Yard Bird Restaurant.

M&G Diner was a 24 hour soul food diner on 125th St. & Morningside. Known for their fried chicken, pancakes, fish & grits, ham hocks with lima beans & rice. Said to have the best juke box in Harlem! Harold Nicholas of the Nicholas Brothers would come for dinner during his last years. It was also a favorite of Marcus Samuelson who purchased part of the signage for his restaurant Yard Bird when M&G’s closed. Special shout out to my neighbor Larry Ortiz for the M&G Diner history and photos!

Another blast from the past - Pan Pan Restaurant! Lenox & W 135th St.

Pan Pan, a neighborhood favorite on Lenox & W. 135th Street until it burned down in 2004. Still beloved and greatly missed by the neighborhood.



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