Macombs Dam Bridge (155th Street)

+ Payphone Ghost

The 155th Street Bridge also known as Macombs Dam Bridge (yes, there was a dam there, run by a gentleman named Macombs - “run” meaning tolls were charged by…), has had a number of iterations over the years.

This illustration from the mid-19th century is currently on sale on Ebay:

In the illustration, you can clearly see the ‘dam’ aspect of the bridge and the toll booth building on the Bronx side (note the High Bridge, or water supply aqueduct in the background).

That dam/bridge was then replaced by this version:

The central span pivoted on the circular and central pier to allow shipping. Note the paddle-wheeler heading up the Harlem River. The humble toll-booth building has been replaced by a much larger home, complete with central flagpole.

Today, the 155th Street Bridge continues to pivot on a central pier, but the pivoting span is much, much larger.

Payphone Ghost

The payphones of Harlem are long gone, and you’d only notice this square of patched sidewalk if you were here back when this was the site of a payphone for many, many years.


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